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Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Refund and Cancellation policy

1. Payment and/or Signature on the form/receipt constitute that you have read all the Terms & Conditions of the Academy & you accept to abide by the same in its entirety.

2. A student is required to inform us over mail about the change in his/her email id & contact number from time to time in order to receive proper updates about the Course.

3. SRE reserves the right to modify a programme due to change of regulations, low attendance or any other unforeseen circumstances. The time table for various batches is only indicative & not conclusive. It can change in terms of day & or timings. The Student is advised to check there mail from time to time for any notification from SRE.

4. On paying of the requisite fees, SRE would send across a mail confirming your admission to the course offered by SRE from time to time. Kindly note that, the admission to the Course is subject to the clearance of all cheques, failing which the admission of the Student would be cancelled with immediate effect.

5. For the amount of fees paid by the student only one set of books will be provided to the students, any amendments in taxation laws would be mailed to them from time to time.

6. Fees paid are not refundable under any circumstances including change of residence, discontinuing studies etc. Also fees once paid will not be transferred to any other student and its valid for 1 year from the date of enrollment with SRE

7. Fees that are to be paid to CFP board directly like initial registration, examination, annual subscription & exemption are subject to change without any intimation.